Domain Names are the first name for your company on the web.  Your domain name should reflect your values and spirit – but it should also be close to your business name, industry or service offering.  It particularly needs to be memorable and hard to mix up with your competitors.

The original domains – .com, .net and .org are the most common domain endings and generally where people assume your company is listed.  These domains cross international borders.  Premium names are generally .com domains.

New domain endings have expanded the opportunities to find the exact web address that a business would prefer – allowing your name to be found when coupled with domain endings such as .tv, .guru. or .tech.

The value of a domain name is calculated on many factors; short memorable one-word domains such as or which are easy to remember and stand out are very popular.   Exact match words that name a product, service, industry or location always command a premium price. was registered in 1999, and sold in 2000 to Office Depot for $500,000 when the originnal website and company went out of business.

Other factors which improve a domain name valuation include a word or phrase that generates high search volume or high traffic volume.


Selling and Leasing Back Your IP is a well-known market behavior for raising short-term capital. Your valuable property can finance further ongoing innovation and business development without going to outside investors.

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